My YunHo

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life is unfair..

i HATE no one in particular
i just hate the world
im already stressed ridden just by having to face them everyday
putting on a face as if nothing matters
as if the act of comission or omission that they do doesnt affect me
i hate being left out
and only be seek when they want something from me

i HATE the world
for someone else to throw tantrum and act spoiled
still be treated as princesses
and people who tried their hard to please gets trampled
i HATE the world
for it's forever unfair

it is the TRUTH
that i no longer feel happy in the company of others
for i will always know
it's just a facade
that i'm no longer NEEDED in their circle of life
that i'm just a SPECK of dust that they cant wait to brush off

i HATE this world

Thursday, November 6, 2008

the reason y i dont wanna go back melaka..

When Burnout Leads to Suicide
Kendra Campbell -- A few months ago, I received a phone call that I’ll never forget. An obviously distressed friend and fellow med student was on the line. In between the sounds of sobbing, she related to me the most unbelievable truth. Another friend and fellow medical student was dead. He had committed suicide the night before. I nearly dropped my phone. I was, of course, in complete shock and didn’t understand what was happening. Time has passed since then, but the shock has still not faded. I can’t believe he’s gone.
Unfortunately, my experience is not all that unique. Many studies have documented the fact that medical students have higher rates of suicide than that of the general population. And guess what profession has the highest rate of suicide? You guessed it, physicians.
We have known for many years that medical students and physicians have higher rates of suicide. Studies have shown that psychiatrists, anesthesiologists, and emergency physicians, in particular, have the highest of all physician suicide rates. It’s been posited that this is because these fields involve incredibly high levels of stress, and access to drugs of abuse. For years, researchers have documented that depression combined with drug or alcohol addiction contributes to the likelihood that someone will commit suicide. And perhaps not surprisingly, the rates of depression and drug or alcohol abuse have also been found to be high amongst medical students and physicians.
A study recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine has started to shine some much needed light on one of the variables involved with med student suicide. The authors found that one factor, in particular, was linked to the probability of a med student committing suicide. And guess what that factor was? Burnout. Should we be surprised?
I wrote an article last month that expressed my own feelings of burnout, and questioned whether or not torturing medical students was a valid method of education. I’ve since had even more time to reflect on these thoughts. I’ve also spent a good deal of time thinking about the death of my friend, and the factors that might have contributed to him making the choice he did.
Can I say that the pressures of medical school absolutely led to his death? Definitely not. But do I believe that the unbelievable amount of stress and pressure to do well in school contributed to his choice? Yes, I think I do.
Just today, I sat in an open discussion at my hospital, led by a senior physician. One student spoke up and complained about the fact that some residents and attendings had been very mean to him at times. He also mentioned the long hours, and the sometimes belittling treatment that med students receive. The physician's response? That’s just the way it is. That’s what he himself had to deal with to make it through medical school many years ago. And he said that when that student eventually becomes a resident or attending physician, he will also treat medical students the same way.
So, are we to believe that this is all simply a fact of life? Is this just the way it has to be? Is the stress simply inevitable? Are the resultant deaths also simply inevitable? Must this cycle of abuse continue, similar to the cycle of abuse in families?
I’m sorry, but I refuse to accept this as truth.

p/s : if you really read the'll know y i dont wanna go back
pp/s : aa the disclaimers and all,i didn't write this stuff

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


see..adie is really gediks & scandalous in japan..

i mean seriously GEDIKS...

u know..picture speaks a thousand words..or something like that

so here are the pics

adie and boyfriend..

see..adie n boyfriend again..

adie n giri2 prince..

there are other gedikness that are uncaptured by photos..

too bad that i didnt have the opportunity to paparazzi adie all the time..

Sunday, November 2, 2008

the day that i dont think anyone would reply my invites..

aaaaaaaaaaaa last fren add fb!!!

he add me!!

he sent me a message!!


i know it sounds stupid coming from someone who's already taken

but i can't help it..

that cikgu is seriously super-yasashii!!!

from left to right :

last fren aka my good teacher....

cikgu bunga hana yg sll pki mask sbb die x shave lg

yg kat blkg tu ushio sensei yg suke buli aku buat keje

yg sorg lg xtau nama coz jarang posting together

p/s : all the senseis are pretty free at that time, particularly the one that ive forgotten the name..

he's drawing a doraemon his version on that blue plastic!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

the moments that i behave like a crazy fool..

im waiting n waiting n waiting..

im hoping n hoping n hoping..

for that person to come..

but sadly,as fate pulls us apart..

i'll never see him no more..

p/s: being sentimental alongside hana ahaks..
my PC where la u?penat tgu the whole afternoon tau,just to say goodbye

the last day in QQ

i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gonna miss studying here...

Nihon wa daisuki!!

Jikei dai byoin wa daisuki!!

Sensei tachi mo daisuki!!

aaarrgghhh...reality hurts,i dont wanna go back
i'm so gonna miss senseis' (especially the 3 musketeers)

Monday, October 13, 2008

the day when adie complaint that nururu complaint about blog

To Nurul...

ktorg sumer sehat like hell kat sini~~!!
FUN giler,too bad u guys aren't here
hana siap jmpe tsubasa of T&T lagi, though by the outdated-ness of my blog,
u would probably have known by this time

aaa luper bawa pendrive w/ pics!!
next time ktorg upload pics ek..

mata ne..
